Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Plans for the new

    Hello to the four people who read my blog. Let me tell you a funny story. When I first made this blog I got a little big obsessed with how many views it was getting. So every minute or so I would refresh the page. I saw every time that I got one more view and I was so excited every time. After two or three times I figured out what was going on and I felt pretty stupid. I am thinking about this now because I realized that my website really isn't getting many views anymore, I looked at the comments and since last time I checked my website (about four months ago) I got about six comments. I remember a few months ago there were at least three comments coming in every day. Something has to be done!

    A few months ago I tweeted that I was redesigning my website, but to tell you the truth all I've done is make a new logo (which, to tell you the truth is pretty sucky, but I will change it) and pick a new color scheme. But now I am going to tell you all of my plans for the new

  • Color scheme. Purple BG, light blue/green text, and black shadows. It may seem a little bit strange but trust me, I'm good with colors.
  • New art section. There is a message at the top of the current art section that says I will add new art soon but I wrote that about a year ago. New art will go up, most likely before the full update is done. I will also get rid of a lot of the art that is up there now. Speckle kit will stay up though ; ).
  • Better navigation. At the moment the navigation on my website is kind of screwed up. Just go there and check it out, you'll see what I mean.
  • More comics. Mouseflower And The Kittenauts (temporarily abandoned) will no longer be the only comic on the list. Most of the other comics will be short comics that I made for school. Actually there may only be two others.
  • "About me" page. I have changed a lot in the past year so I will tell you a little bit about the new me. This also means new buttons.
  • Not as many Kittenauts. I'm not so much into anime cats anymore. I still do like anime; I may occasionally do another one since it's a fun way to waste time. But I really want to expand to other types of art.
  • Eye tutorial. I am going to make a tutorial on how to draw eyes for my friend Mangablossom (hai Manga, I didn't forget about you). I promised to do this like 10 months ago. Mangablossom probably doesn't need this anymore though (you've probably become way better than me, I've been slacking, we should get in contact again).
  • Video Section. For those of you who don't know I did make about seven videos on YouTube since my last update, so I will make a section on my website with links to them all and links to some of my friends videos.
  • Stripey Says/Farley's Feelings/Teddy Talk. Gone. I just don't have the energy for this; nobody seemed to like it anyway.
  • New Mouseflower Logo
  • Better organized home page. All of the old updates will be deleted. Updating system will also be redesigned.
  • Short Story section. I'm going to start posting my short stories. I hope you guys like sci-fi.
  • Keeping it simple. I'm learning how to use flash now but people tell me that animations take a long time to load on their computers so I will keep my website pretty simple.


This is all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure there will be new additions to it. I can think of one more new page; I will keep a list of things that need to be changed on my website. I will make it a permanent part of the website because there will always be things to improve on. If you have any suggestions just e-mail them to or get in touch with me some other way.

P.S. The drawn to life Fan-Com is not happening. Sorry to people who like drawn to life Fan-Coms (this is about thirty people) I'm just not feeling it. It was so much fun to design Roxy so I will use her in future comics but I think I'm turning it into something that's not drawn to life. Drawn to life is meant to be a game and a game only.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

The end of MFAK

    As you may have noticed I haven't updated my comic in months. There is a combination of reasons for this.

  1. Schoolwork. I recently graduated from middle school. Towards the end of the year there were a lot of projects and I was working extra hard so I could get an A average(didn't quite get this unfortunately) and lots of parties.
  2. Video games. Since the last page of MFAK I have started playing four new video games and I am hooked. Minecraft, Portal, Portal 2, and Terraria. All of them are amazing games by the way and I do recommend them.
  3. Art show. In the "real world" I am having an art show in a few months so I have been preparing for this. I will post this artwork on my website during the next update.
  4. Loss of interest. I know that the whole anime cat/wolf thing is the whole theme of my website but I am really just not interested in it anymore. I still think that the plot might make an interesting comic.
  5. Laziness. I am so lazy. I have been planning to make this blog post for weeks and I didn't because I'm so lazy. But I have made a promise to myself to be better about this in high school.
  6. Organization. I can never remember where I put the files on my computer or what I named them. Also something that I really need to work on in high school. At the moment I am working on a big cleanup on my computer.
  7. Music and Writing. I am not just a visual artist; I actually love all kinds of art. I can play drums, guitar, ukulele, and am learning keyboard, I have a one person band called Ganymede, and I want to one day record some songs. I also love to right stories, especially science fiction.
  8. Science. I really do love art, but I have decided that I want to go into science when I grow up. Something with astronomy, I'm not quite sure what I want to work on yet.
  9. Exercise. I've been trying to get more active recently. I take yoga now and the classes are really long, I also like to take long walks/roller skating trips, and I am planning on playing hockey.

These are all of the main things. So I have decided to take MFAK off of the list of things I need to work on. I am not taking it down; I may decide to start working on it again one day. As I said I do like the story so I may restart is with some other animal (maybe humans, even though I'm not too fond of them). I don't really think many people read MFAK anyway. On the top of my list is redesigning my website. I just really hate everything about it; the color scheme, the graphics, the navigation. Next on the list is I will post more of my art. I have so many new drawings that I haven't been sharing with you guys, I feel terrible. I might post some little comics that I did as projects for school.

Whatever happens with my website, I promise you this: something will be done by the end of the summer.